5 Jahre Autorisierter Fachhändler
AKTION: 5% Sparen

Archive Collection: Savage Ground (213)

156,00 €*

% 161,00 €* (3.11% gespart)
Inhalt: 5 Liter (31,20 €* / 1 Liter)

zusätzlich 3% Skonto bei Bankvorauszahlung

Versandfertig in 1 Tag, Lieferzeit 6-9 Wochen

Direktversand vom Hersteller

x Dose
Maße (B x H x T): 18 x 23.5 x 18 cm
Produktgewicht: 6.3 kg
Produktnummer: fb.0213.18

Ein kräftiger Neutralton mit gelber Basis

Auch Savage Ground ist eine der beliebtesten Hintergrundfarben für Tapeten. Sie wurde von Dennis Savage, einem unserer Experten für das Tapetenblockdruckverfahren, der die ersten Farrow & Ball Tapeten hergestellt hat, am liebsten verwendet. Es ist so stark wie String, enthält jedoch weniger Grün.

Grundierungen & Basisanstriche: Mid Tones

Ergänzende Weißtöne: New White

Eigenschaften "Archive Collection: Savage Ground (213)"
FB Kollektionen: Archivfarben
FB Töne: Mittel
FB Farben: Neutral

Farrow & Ball – Handcrafted Paint and Wallpaper

PAINT – Farrow & Ball
Colour Cards →Finishs →Primer & Undercoat →Tools

PAPER – Farrow & Ball


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Passende Artikel

New White (59)
 Ein frisches, modernes Cremeweiß Wir nennen New White „neu“, weil es moderner und frischer wirkt als die traditionellen gelblichen Weißtöne, die man kennt. Es bringt Licht in Räume und wirkt in Kombination mit anderen hellen Farben auf Holzelementen besonders schön. Grundierungen & Basisanstriche: White & Light Tones Ergänzende Weißtöne: White Tie

Inhalt: 0.1 Liter (90,00 €* / 1 Liter)

9,00 €*
Matchstick (2013)
Das Gelb von ungebleichtem Holz Matchstick ist das englische Wort für Streichholz. Es wirkt wie das kleine Holzstäbchen, das für Streichhölzer verwendet wird, sehr warm. Durch seinen geringen Schwarzanteil ist es in Kombination mit einem frischeren Weiß auf Holzelementen und Decken die perfekte Wandfarbe. Grundierungen & Basisanstriche: White & Light Tones Ergänzende Weißtöne: White Tie

Inhalt: 0.1 Liter (90,00 €* / 1 Liter)

9,00 €*
Hague Blue (30)
Ein tiefes Dunkelblau Hague Blue findet seinen Ursprung in Holland, wo unvergleichlich kunstvolle Holzarbeiten eine lange Tradition haben. Unser kräftiger Blauton eignet sich für Holzelemente oder als eindrucksvolle Akzentfarbe an den Wänden und passt sehr gut zu Borrowed Light. Seine grünen Untertöne machen diesen zeitlosen, tiefen und dramatischen Blauton vielseitig einsetzbar – sowohl für draußen als auch für kleine dunklere Räume. Grundierungen & Basisanstriche: Dark Tones Ergänzende Weißtöne: Old White

Inhalt: 0.1 Liter (90,00 €* / 1 Liter)

9,00 €*
Studio Green (93)
Klassiker aus dem Farrow & Ball Studio Unser dunkelster Grünton war im Farrow & Ball Atelier gestrichen, in dem wir einen Großteil unserer ersten Farben entwickelt haben. Wenn Studio Green auf einer größeren Fläche draußen gestrichen wird, dann reagieren die Pigmente außerordentlich auf alle Arten von Licht, und die Farbe sieht viel grüner als auf der Farbkarte aus. In dunklen Räumen wirkt die Farbe fast schwarz. Grundierungen & Basisanstriche: Dark Tones Ergänzende Weißtöne: Lime White

Inhalt: 0.1 Liter (90,00 €* / 1 Liter)

9,00 €*
Drag 1201
Dragged Papers werden mit nur einer Farbe gefertigt und passen ideal zu den entsprechenden Farbfamilien aus unserer Palette. Die traditionelle Herstellungsweise mit Bürstenauftrag lässt eine dezente Streifenoptik entstehen.

121,00 €* 125,00 €* (3.2% gespart)
Renaissance 2805
Dieses Design ist von den in der National Gallery London ausgestellten Gemälden der italienischen Renaissance inspiriert. Renaissance ist ein bezaubernder Bilddruck mit aufbrechenden Sonnenblumen, der allen Räumen, in denen er zum Einsatz kommt, Fröhlichkeit und Lebendigkeit verleiht.

223,00 €* 230,00 €* (3.04% gespart)
St Antoine 902
Eine französische Damasttapete des 18. Jahrhunderts, die ursprünglich 1793 in St. Antoine produziert wurde. Mit ihrem beeindruckenden bildhaften Design ist die St Antoine romantisch, aber auch verspielt.

208,00 €* 215,00 €* (3.26% gespart)
Broad Stripe 1309
Die breite Broad Stripe Tapete wird im traditionellen Druckverfahren hergestellt. Ihre Streifen entstehen dadurch, dass das Papier durch ein mit unseren hochpigmentierten Farben gefülltes Farbbad gezogen wird. Ein zeitloser Look ist das Ergebnis.

121,00 €* 125,00 €* (3.2% gespart)
Broad Stripe 1303
Die breite Broad Stripe Tapete wird im traditionellen Druckverfahren hergestellt. Ihre Streifen entstehen dadurch, dass das Papier durch ein mit unseren hochpigmentierten Farben gefülltes Farbbad gezogen wird. Ein zeitloser Look ist das Ergebnis.

121,00 €* 125,00 €* (3.2% gespart)
Bumble Bee BP 507
Bumble Bee, englisch für Hummel, ist übersät mit den pelzigen Insekten und verspielten Punkten, die diesem fröhlichen Design eine gewisse Unschuld verleihen. Dieses Muster fand sich auf Seidenstoffen in Josephine Bonapartes Schlafzimmer.

223,00 €* 230,00 €* (3.04% gespart)
Ringwold 1601
Ringwold zaubert ein englisches Seidenmuster aus dem frühen 18. Jahrhundert auf die Wand. Die verspielten Ranken und zweifarbigen Blätter wirken grazil und lebendig. Durch unsere besondere Drucktechnik gewinnt die Tapete zudem eine fast damastartige Oberflächenstruktur.

203,00 €* 210,00 €* (3.33% gespart)
Drag 601
Dragged Papers werden mit nur einer Farbe gefertigt und passen ideal zu den entsprechenden Farbfamilien aus unserer Palette. Die traditionelle Herstellungsweise mit Bürstenauftrag lässt eine dezente Streifenoptik entstehen.

121,00 €* 125,00 €* (3.2% gespart)
Drag 1209
Dragged Papers werden mit nur einer Farbe gefertigt und passen ideal zu den entsprechenden Farbfamilien aus unserer Palette. Die traditionelle Herstellungsweise mit Bürstenauftrag lässt eine dezente Streifenoptik entstehen.

121,00 €* 125,00 €* (3.2% gespart)
Silvergate 802
Silvergate ist üppig, romantisch und luxuriös. Das blühende, samtig wirkende Motiv ist die Nachbildung einer englischen Damasttapete aus dem frühen 19. Jahrhundert. Sie wurde ursprünglich in Silvergate, Norfolk gedruckt.

208,00 €* 215,00 €* (3.26% gespart)
Polka Square 1050
Polka Square ist ein leicht abgewandeltes klassisches Punktemotiv. Die Punkte wurden auf Tapeten aus dem 18. Jahrhundert im Hintergrund eingesetzt, bei uns spielen sie die Hauptrolle. Das Muster wirkt sehr vertraut und setzt durch seine Schlichtheit dennoch einen spannenden Akzent.

198,00 €* 205,00 €* (3.41% gespart)
Plain Stripe 1102
Die klassische Streifentapete entsteht mithilfe der traditionellen Farbbadmethode. Da hier mehrere Schichten unserer Farben aufeinander gelegt werden, verfügt Plain Stripe über eine wundervolle Tiefe und Haptik – Kriterien, die ein exklusives Handwerkserzeugnis auszeichnen.

121,00 €* 125,00 €* (3.2% gespart)
Carte Blanche: Dot 5904
Dieses fröhliche Muster setzt Christopher John Rogers Design in Szene. Die grafische Dot Tapete verleiht Räumen mit ihrem spannenden Farbverlauf Energie und Fröhlichkeit. Durch das traditionelle Druckverfahren erhält sie eine einzigartige Textur und verlockende Tiefe. Gesamtbreite der Rolle: 53cm/21", Rollenlänge: 10m, Musterversatz: 128,3cm / 50.5". BITTE BEACHTEN SIE: Mit seinem Farbverlauf erzeugt Dot einen außergewöhnlichen Effekt an der Wand. Das Aufhängen der Tapete ist dadurch jedoch nicht ganz einfach. Wir empfehlen daher, diese Aufgabe Profis zu überlassen. 

208,00 €* 215,00 €* (3.26% gespart)
Carte Blanche: Check 6001
Das vom Bauhausstil inspirierte mutige Design Check ist eine Hommage an das außergewöhnliche Werk der berühmten Textilkünstlerin Anni Albers. Das geometrische Muster wirkt mal modern, mal klassisch – und verwandelt Ihre Wände in ein wahres Kunstwerk. Gesamtbreite der Rolle: 53cm, Rollenlänge: 10m, Musterversatz: 62,3cm.

208,00 €* 215,00 €* (3.26% gespart)
Carte Blanche: Stripe 6101
Stripe interpretiert die Streifentapete, und damit einen langjährigen Klassiker, völlig neu. Mit seinen markanten Streifen ist dieses Muster äußerst vielseitig einsetzbar: Es kann auf vier verschiedene Arten, passend zu Ihrem gewünschten Look an die Wände gebracht werden. Gesamtbreite der Rolle: 53cm/21", Rollenlänge: 10m, musterversatz: 53cm/21".

203,00 €* 210,00 €* (3.33% gespart)
Carte Blanche: Stripe 6104
Stripe interpretiert die Streifentapete, und damit einen langjährigen Klassiker, völlig neu. Mit seinen markanten Streifen ist dieses Muster äußerst vielseitig einsetzbar: Es kann auf vier verschiedene Arten, passend zu Ihrem gewünschten Look an die Wände gebracht werden. Gesamtbreite der Rolle: 53cm/21", Rollenlänge: 10m, musterversatz: 53cm/21".

203,00 €* 210,00 €* (3.33% gespart)
Carte Blanche: Stripe 6103
Stripe interpretiert die Streifentapete, und damit einen langjährigen Klassiker, völlig neu. Mit seinen markanten Streifen ist dieses Muster äußerst vielseitig einsetzbar: Es kann auf vier verschiedene Arten, passend zu Ihrem gewünschten Look an die Wände gebracht werden. Gesamtbreite der Rolle: 53cm/21", Rollenlänge: 10m, musterversatz: 53cm/21".

203,00 €* 210,00 €* (3.33% gespart)
Carte Blanche: Stripe 6102
Stripe interpretiert die Streifentapete, und damit einen langjährigen Klassiker, völlig neu. Mit seinen markanten Streifen ist dieses Muster äußerst vielseitig einsetzbar: Es kann auf vier verschiedene Arten, passend zu Ihrem gewünschten Look an die Wände gebracht werden. Gesamtbreite der Rolle: 53cm/21", Rollenlänge: 10m, musterversatz: 53cm/21".

203,00 €* 210,00 €* (3.33% gespart)
Carte Blanche: Check 6004
Das vom Bauhausstil inspirierte mutige Design Check ist eine Hommage an das außergewöhnliche Werk der berühmten Textilkünstlerin Anni Albers. Das geometrische Muster wirkt mal modern, mal klassisch – und verwandelt Ihre Wände in ein wahres Kunstwerk. Gesamtbreite der Rolle: 53cm, Rollenlänge: 10m, Musterversatz: 62,3cm.

208,00 €* 215,00 €* (3.26% gespart)
Carte Blanche: Check 6003
Das vom Bauhausstil inspirierte mutige Design Check ist eine Hommage an das außergewöhnliche Werk der berühmten Textilkünstlerin Anni Albers. Das geometrische Muster wirkt mal modern, mal klassisch – und verwandelt Ihre Wände in ein wahres Kunstwerk. Gesamtbreite der Rolle: 53cm, Rollenlänge: 10m, Musterversatz: 62,3cm.

208,00 €* 215,00 €* (3.26% gespart)
Carte Blanche: Check 6002
Das vom Bauhausstil inspirierte mutige Design Check ist eine Hommage an das außergewöhnliche Werk der berühmten Textilkünstlerin Anni Albers. Das geometrische Muster wirkt mal modern, mal klassisch – und verwandelt Ihre Wände in ein wahres Kunstwerk. Gesamtbreite der Rolle: 53cm, Rollenlänge: 10m, Musterversatz: 62,3cm.

208,00 €* 215,00 €* (3.26% gespart)
Carte Blanche: Dot 5903
Dieses fröhliche Muster setzt Christopher John Rogers Design in Szene. Die grafische Dot Tapete verleiht Räumen mit ihrem spannenden Farbverlauf Energie und Fröhlichkeit. Durch das traditionelle Druckverfahren erhält sie eine einzigartige Textur und verlockende Tiefe. Gesamtbreite der Rolle: 53cm/21", Rollenlänge: 10m, Musterversatz: 128,3cm / 50.5". BITTE BEACHTEN SIE: Mit seinem Farbverlauf erzeugt Dot einen außergewöhnlichen Effekt an der Wand. Das Aufhängen der Tapete ist dadurch jedoch nicht ganz einfach. Wir empfehlen daher, diese Aufgabe Profis zu überlassen. 

208,00 €* 215,00 €* (3.26% gespart)
Carte Blanche: Dot 5902
Dieses fröhliche Muster setzt Christopher John Rogers Design in Szene. Die grafische Dot Tapete verleiht Räumen mit ihrem spannenden Farbverlauf Energie und Fröhlichkeit. Durch das traditionelle Druckverfahren erhält sie eine einzigartige Textur und verlockende Tiefe. Gesamtbreite der Rolle: 53cm/21", Rollenlänge: 10m, Musterversatz: 128,3cm / 50.5". BITTE BEACHTEN SIE: Mit seinem Farbverlauf erzeugt Dot einen außergewöhnlichen Effekt an der Wand. Das Aufhängen der Tapete ist dadurch jedoch nicht ganz einfach. Wir empfehlen daher, diese Aufgabe Profis zu überlassen. 

208,00 €* 215,00 €* (3.26% gespart)
Carte Blanche: Dot 5901
Dieses fröhliche Muster setzt Christopher John Rogers Design in Szene. Die grafische Dot Tapete verleiht Räumen mit ihrem spannenden Farbverlauf Energie und Fröhlichkeit. Durch das traditionelle Druckverfahren erhält sie eine einzigartige Textur und verlockende Tiefe. Gesamtbreite der Rolle: 53cm/21", Rollenlänge: 10m, Musterversatz: 128,3cm / 50.5". BITTE BEACHTEN SIE: Mit seinem Farbverlauf erzeugt Dot einen außergewöhnlichen Effekt an der Wand. Das Aufhängen der Tapete ist dadurch jedoch nicht ganz einfach. Wir empfehlen daher, diese Aufgabe Profis zu überlassen. 

208,00 €* 215,00 €* (3.26% gespart)
Feather Flora - SOBA
Collection BOTANY - Feather Flora - SOBAA delicate all-over floral design, showing abstract flowers floating gently in the breeze.

241,00 €* 249,00 €* (3.21% gespart)
Folia - TEAL
Collection BOTANY - Folia - TEALA large-scale mural, this enchanting design depicts a dreamy, ethereal landscape of leafy silhouettes on a contemporary ombré ground.

298,00 €* 308,00 €* (3.25% gespart)
Collection BOTANY - Hardy Palm - BURNT ORANGEFeaturing a pencil illustration of the sculptural Trachycarpus palm, the design depicts strong vertical stems and bold architectural leaves, and was inspired by stylised botanical paintings applied directly onto plaster walls.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Honesty - TEMPLE
Collection BOTANY - Honesty - TEMPLEAn elegant all-over design, created from a watercolour and crayon rendering of a leaf sprig. The graphic quality is inspired by Indian botanical motifs.

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Jangala - PLASTER
Collection BOTANY - Jangala - PLASTERA contemporary reimagining of a sepia watercolour painting, depicting a panoramic Indian Jungle scene. Jangala, meaning ‘jungle’ in Hindi, is printed on a textural, non-woven base that resembles watercolour paper.

346,00 €* 357,00 €* (3.08% gespart)
Marquetry Tile - TEMPLE
Collection BOTANY - Marquetry Tile - TEMPLEA handsome watercolour treatment of large-scale variegated foliage. This organic design features oversized leaves coloured in a monochromatic format, each side revealing a contrasting tone of graduated single colour. Tropicane has been coloured in six ways, featuring a combination of neutral and bolder tones.

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Quatrefoil - PANEL
Collection BOTANY - Quatrefoil - PANELIn contrast to the source material, inlaid encaustic floor tiles, this design is printed using traditional methods, with overlaid inks used to recreate the smooth matt texture of ceramic tiles.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Seedpod - WILLOW V
Collection BOTANY - Seedpod - WILLOW VA small-scale, all-over motif, referencing the seedpods of the Indian lotus flower. The artwork has evolved from basic crayon rubbings of seedpods into a delicate surface print..

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Tropicane - SEA NOR SKY
Collection BOTANY - Tropicane - SEA NOR SKYA handsome watercolour treatment of large-scale variegated foliage. This organic design features oversized leaves coloured in a monochromatic format.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Abbey Gardens - TERRACE
Collection TRESCO - Abbey Gardens - TERRACEA contemporary interpretation of a Toile de Jouy, depicting scenes within the eponymous Abbey Gardens. The soothing scenes have been sensually painted as watercolour artworks then laid out in an informal arrangement to create a wall mural that spans two metres in width. A truly stunning wallpaper that captures the diverse and unique scenes of Tresco’s Abbey Gardens, and brings a little piece of Tresco home to enjoy. Classic colours have been handpicked from the Paint & Paper Library palette to create a two-tone paper that, whilst intricate, is easy-to use in any interior space.

298,00 €* 308,00 €* (3.25% gespart)
Aeonium - WATTLE
Collection TRESCO - Aeonium - WATTLEAn all-over monochromatic design, depicting the silhouettes of a subtropical aeonium flower. Walls in Abbey Gardens are covered in this elegant plant and the precise drawing style laid out here evokes the texture of these living enclosures. Aeonium is an opportunity to bring a natural motif into an interior scheme to create a subtle backdrop for furniture and paintings. This design can be used all over with confidence. The tones used in each colourway have been carefully selected to ensure they either softly coordinate or strongly contrast with one another; using colour to vary the design’s visual impact according to taste. This paper enjoys a subtle texture and tactile quality that can only be achieved using the traditional surface printing technique.

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Aloe Walk - ICE
Collection TRESCO - Aloe Walk - ICEA bold, floral wall mural, designed to create subtle drama within any interior scheme. This digitally-printed paper, depicting exotic agapanthus and aloe vera provides a stunning backdrop for any room. The sense of scale of the design mirrors the expansive dimensions of the plants in Tresco’s Abbey Gardens and the elegant motif evokes the experience of walking along one of the verdant garden terraces. The agapanthus sits at 160cm tall and the full wall mural spreads across a three metre width.

391,00 €* 404,00 €* (3.22% gespart)
Archipelago - TIDE
Collection TRESCO - Archipelago - TIDETraditionally printed, this contemporary, abstract design encompassing island silhouettes surrounded by calm, gently rippling water adds a wonderfully serene element to the collection. Illusion and reflection have been used here to create a design that extends the feeling of lateral space making a room feel more spacious. Originally a watercoloured artwork, this classic all-over paper is printed in a collection of complementary shades. Shimmers of metallic provide extra depth and a reflective quality that appears different depending on the light within a room. A simple, minimal design which evokes a feeling of calm and tranquillity.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Collection TRESCO - Buds - SHARKSKINAn all-over motif depicting small protea buds. Full of promise and optimism, the arrangement of the chalice-shaped flowers is reminiscent of Grecian wall paintings. Found in the gardens at Tresco, this protea bud is depicted exactly to its original scale, capturing an element of life-like quality in the design. The buds have been coloured in a range of graduated neutrals and tones of natural colouring to reflect its former surroundings. An additional bold colourway has been incorporated for a more impactful and dramatic scheme creating strong contrast. This traditionally printed paper offers a design that could be used on one wall as a stand alone or all around a room. The flexibility of this paper offers great scope for use within a variety of different spaces.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Collection TRESCO - Chart - SQUID INKA large scale mural, that, on closer inspection, depicts the lines found on nautical charts. The motif was inspired by one of the antique charts found in the Tresco home of the Dorrien-Smith family. The chart has been carefully made into a wallpaper, ensuring the nautical fathoms remain true to the original and the chart itself in keeping with the Tresco seascape. This bold geometric pattern has been coloured in three tones with one dominant colour acting as a focal tone.

391,00 €* 404,00 €* (3.22% gespart)
Lighthouse Palm - PENTLE
Collection TRESCO - Lighthouse Palm - PENTLEA large palm tree motif, depicting the Butia Palm’s iconic shape - a unique, curvaceous trunk, providing something a little extra special and an element of fun. The size of the palm itself creates a feeling of grandeur and the linear spacing allows the design to breathe. This paper has been created in three bold colourways designed to make an impact and create a little drama. Bursting with personality and sophistication, this design can be used in traditional or contemporary spaces. The scale of the design allows the depth of colour to stand out creating an excellent balance between pattern and colour.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Protea Trail - MONUMENT
Collection TRESCO - Protea Trail - MONUMENTA classic trail with the impression of a ‘loose stripe’, featuring proteas, birds and butterflies on a plain ground. Like Tresco island itself, these trails contain a complete ecosystem of inhabitants. This organic stripe design combines a range of Original and Architectural colours to provide strong contrasts and subtle highlights within the trail. Flexographically printed, this paper has a smooth, flat finish, providing a more contemporary look to a traditional style.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Abbey Gardens - PARIS ROOFTOPS
Collection TRESCO - Abbey Gardens - PARIS ROOFTOPSA contemporary interpretation of a Toile de Jouy, depicting scenes within the eponymous Abbey Gardens. The soothing scenes have been sensually painted as watercolour artworks then laid out in an informal arrangement to create a wall mural that spans two metres in width. A truly stunning wallpaper that captures the diverse and unique scenes of Tresco’s Abbey Gardens, and brings a little piece of Tresco home to enjoy. Classic colours have been handpicked from the Paint & Paper Library palette to create a two-tone paper that, whilst intricate, is easy-to use in any interior space.

298,00 €* 308,00 €* (3.25% gespart)
Abbey Gardens - BLUE BLOOD
Collection TRESCO - Abbey Gardens - BLUE BLOODA contemporary interpretation of a Toile de Jouy, depicting scenes within the eponymous Abbey Gardens. The soothing scenes have been sensually painted as watercolour artworks then laid out in an informal arrangement to create a wall mural that spans two metres in width. A truly stunning wallpaper that captures the diverse and unique scenes of Tresco’s Abbey Gardens, and brings a little piece of Tresco home to enjoy. Classic colours have been handpicked from the Paint & Paper Library palette to create a two-tone paper that, whilst intricate, is easy-to use in any interior space.

298,00 €* 308,00 €* (3.25% gespart)
Abbey Gardens - MUGA
Collection TRESCO - Abbey Gardens - MUGAA contemporary interpretation of a Toile de Jouy, depicting scenes within the eponymous Abbey Gardens. The soothing scenes have been sensually painted as watercolour artworks then laid out in an informal arrangement to create a wall mural that spans two metres in width. A truly stunning wallpaper that captures the diverse and unique scenes of Tresco’s Abbey Gardens, and brings a little piece of Tresco home to enjoy. Classic colours have been handpicked from the Paint & Paper Library palette to create a two-tone paper that, whilst intricate, is easy-to use in any interior space.

298,00 €* 308,00 €* (3.25% gespart)
Aeonium - TEMPLE
Collection TRESCO - Aeonium - TEMPLEAn all-over monochromatic design, depicting the silhouettes of a subtropical aeonium flower. Walls in Abbey Gardens are covered in this elegant plant and the precise drawing style laid out here evokes the texture of these living enclosures. Aeonium is an opportunity to bring a natural motif into an interior scheme to create a subtle backdrop for furniture and paintings. This design can be used all over with confidence. The tones used in each colourway have been carefully selected to ensure they either softly coordinate or strongly contrast with one another; using colour to vary the design’s visual impact according to taste. This paper enjoys a subtle texture and tactile quality that can only be achieved using the traditional surface printing technique.

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Aeonium - STEEL
Collection TRESCO - Aeonium - STEELAn all-over monochromatic design, depicting the silhouettes of a subtropical aeonium flower. Walls in Abbey Gardens are covered in this elegant plant and the precise drawing style laid out here evokes the texture of these living enclosures. Aeonium is an opportunity to bring a natural motif into an interior scheme to create a subtle backdrop for furniture and paintings. This design can be used all over with confidence. The tones used in each colourway have been carefully selected to ensure they either softly coordinate or strongly contrast with one another; using colour to vary the design’s visual impact according to taste. This paper enjoys a subtle texture and tactile quality that can only be achieved using the traditional surface printing technique.

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Aeonium - MONUMENT
Collection TRESCO - Aeonium - MONUMENTAn all-over monochromatic design, depicting the silhouettes of a subtropical aeonium flower. Walls in Abbey Gardens are covered in this elegant plant and the precise drawing style laid out here evokes the texture of these living enclosures. Aeonium is an opportunity to bring a natural motif into an interior scheme to create a subtle backdrop for furniture and paintings. This design can be used all over with confidence. The tones used in each colourway have been carefully selected to ensure they either softly coordinate or strongly contrast with one another; using colour to vary the design’s visual impact according to taste. This paper enjoys a subtle texture and tactile quality that can only be achieved using the traditional surface printing technique.

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Aeonium - GAMBOGE
Collection TRESCO - Aeonium -GAMBOGEAn all-over monochromatic design, depicting the silhouettes of a subtropical aeonium flower. Walls in Abbey Gardens are covered in this elegant plant and the precise drawing style laid out here evokes the texture of these living enclosures. Aeonium is an opportunity to bring a natural motif into an interior scheme to create a subtle backdrop for furniture and paintings. This design can be used all over with confidence. The tones used in each colourway have been carefully selected to ensure they either softly coordinate or strongly contrast with one another; using colour to vary the design’s visual impact according to taste. This paper enjoys a subtle texture and tactile quality that can only be achieved using the traditional surface printing technique.

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Aeonium - COTTON
Collection TRESCO - Aeonium - COTTONAn all-over monochromatic design, depicting the silhouettes of a subtropical aeonium flower. Walls in Abbey Gardens are covered in this elegant plant and the precise drawing style laid out here evokes the texture of these living enclosures. Aeonium is an opportunity to bring a natural motif into an interior scheme to create a subtle backdrop for furniture and paintings. This design can be used all over with confidence. The tones used in each colourway have been carefully selected to ensure they either softly coordinate or strongly contrast with one another; using colour to vary the design’s visual impact according to taste. This paper enjoys a subtle texture and tactile quality that can only be achieved using the traditional surface printing technique.

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Collection TRESCO - Aeonium - CLEAN WHITEAn all-over monochromatic design, depicting the silhouettes of a subtropical aeonium flower. Walls in Abbey Gardens are covered in this elegant plant and the precise drawing style laid out here evokes the texture of these living enclosures. Aeonium is an opportunity to bring a natural motif into an interior scheme to create a subtle backdrop for furniture and paintings. This design can be used all over with confidence. The tones used in each colourway have been carefully selected to ensure they either softly coordinate or strongly contrast with one another; using colour to vary the design’s visual impact according to taste. This paper enjoys a subtle texture and tactile quality that can only be achieved using the traditional surface printing technique.

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Aeonium - BLUE GUM
Collection TRESCO - Aeonium - BLUE GUMAn all-over monochromatic design, depicting the silhouettes of a subtropical aeonium flower. Walls in Abbey Gardens are covered in this elegant plant and the precise drawing style laid out here evokes the texture of these living enclosures. Aeonium is an opportunity to bring a natural motif into an interior scheme to create a subtle backdrop for furniture and paintings. This design can be used all over with confidence. The tones used in each colourway have been carefully selected to ensure they either softly coordinate or strongly contrast with one another; using colour to vary the design’s visual impact according to taste. This paper enjoys a subtle texture and tactile quality that can only be achieved using the traditional surface printing technique.

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Aeonium - BLUE BLOOD
Collection TRESCO - Aeonium - BLUE BLOODAn all-over monochromatic design, depicting the silhouettes of a subtropical aeonium flower. Walls in Abbey Gardens are covered in this elegant plant and the precise drawing style laid out here evokes the texture of these living enclosures. Aeonium is an opportunity to bring a natural motif into an interior scheme to create a subtle backdrop for furniture and paintings. This design can be used all over with confidence. The tones used in each colourway have been carefully selected to ensure they either softly coordinate or strongly contrast with one another; using colour to vary the design’s visual impact according to taste. This paper enjoys a subtle texture and tactile quality that can only be achieved using the traditional surface printing technique.

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Aloe Walk - GLASS
Collection TRESCO - Aloe Walk - GLASSA bold, floral wall mural, designed to create subtle drama within any interior scheme. This digitally-printed paper, depicting exotic agapanthus and aloe vera provides a stunning backdrop for any room. The sense of scale of the design mirrors the expansive dimensions of the plants in Tresco’s Abbey Gardens and the elegant motif evokes the experience of walking along one of the verdant garden terraces. The agapanthus sits at 160cm tall and the full wall mural spreads across a three metre width.

391,00 €* 404,00 €* (3.22% gespart)
Aloe Walk - PERSE GREY
Collection TRESCO - Aloe Walk - PERSE GREYA bold, floral wall mural, designed to create subtle drama within any interior scheme. This digitally-printed paper, depicting exotic agapanthus and aloe vera provides a stunning backdrop for any room. The sense of scale of the design mirrors the expansive dimensions of the plants in Tresco’s Abbey Gardens and the elegant motif evokes the experience of walking along one of the verdant garden terraces. The agapanthus sits at 160cm tall and the full wall mural spreads across a three metre width.

391,00 €* 404,00 €* (3.22% gespart)
Archipelago - SPRING TIDE
Collection TRESCO - Archipelago - SPRING TIDETraditionally printed, this contemporary, abstract design encompassing island silhouettes surrounded by calm, gently rippling water adds a wonderfully serene element to the collection. Illusion and reflection have been used here to create a design that extends the feeling of lateral space making a room feel more spacious. Originally a watercoloured artwork, this classic all-over paper is printed in a collection of complementary shades. Shimmers of metallic provide extra depth and a reflective quality that appears different depending on the light within a room. A simple, minimal design which evokes a feeling of calm and tranquillity.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Archipelago - SAND
Collection TRESCO - Archipelago - SANDTraditionally printed, this contemporary, abstract design encompassing island silhouettes surrounded by calm, gently rippling water adds a wonderfully serene element to the collection. Illusion and reflection have been used here to create a design that extends the feeling of lateral space making a room feel more spacious. Originally a watercoloured artwork, this classic all-over paper is printed in a collection of complementary shades. Shimmers of metallic provide extra depth and a reflective quality that appears different depending on the light within a room. A simple, minimal design which evokes a feeling of calm and tranquillity.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Archipelago - PLASTER
Collection TRESCO - Archipelago - PLASTERTraditionally printed, this contemporary, abstract design encompassing island silhouettes surrounded by calm, gently rippling water adds a wonderfully serene element to the collection. Illusion and reflection have been used here to create a design that extends the feeling of lateral space making a room feel more spacious. Originally a watercoloured artwork, this classic all-over paper is printed in a collection of complementary shades. Shimmers of metallic provide extra depth and a reflective quality that appears different depending on the light within a room. A simple, minimal design which evokes a feeling of calm and tranquillity.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Archipelago - LEADING LIGHTS
Collection TRESCO - Archipelago - LEADING LIGHTSTraditionally printed, this contemporary, abstract design encompassing island silhouettes surrounded by calm, gently rippling water adds a wonderfully serene element to the collection. Illusion and reflection have been used here to create a design that extends the feeling of lateral space making a room feel more spacious. Originally a watercoloured artwork, this classic all-over paper is printed in a collection of complementary shades. Shimmers of metallic provide extra depth and a reflective quality that appears different depending on the light within a room. A simple, minimal design which evokes a feeling of calm and tranquillity.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Buds - IVORY
Collection TRESCO - Buds - IVORYAn all-over motif depicting small protea buds. Full of promise and optimism, the arrangement of the chalice-shaped flowers is reminiscent of Grecian wall paintings. Found in the gardens at Tresco, this protea bud is depicted exactly to its original scale, capturing an element of life-like quality in the design. The buds have been coloured in a range of graduated neutrals and tones of natural colouring to reflect its former surroundings. An additional bold colourway has been incorporated for a more impactful and dramatic scheme creating strong contrast. This traditionally printed paper offers a design that could be used on one wall as a stand alone or all around a room. The flexibility of this paper offers great scope for use within a variety of different spaces.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Buds - RUFUS
Collection TRESCO - Buds - RUFUSAn all-over motif depicting small protea buds. Full of promise and optimism, the arrangement of the chalice-shaped flowers is reminiscent of Grecian wall paintings. Found in the gardens at Tresco, this protea bud is depicted exactly to its original scale, capturing an element of life-like quality in the design. The buds have been coloured in a range of graduated neutrals and tones of natural colouring to reflect its former surroundings. An additional bold colourway has been incorporated for a more impactful and dramatic scheme creating strong contrast. This traditionally printed paper offers a design that could be used on one wall as a stand alone or all around a room. The flexibility of this paper offers great scope for use within a variety of different spaces.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Buds - HUGO
Collection TRESCO - Buds - HUGOAn all-over motif depicting small protea buds. Full of promise and optimism, the arrangement of the chalice-shaped flowers is reminiscent of Grecian wall paintings. Found in the gardens at Tresco, this protea bud is depicted exactly to its original scale, capturing an element of life-like quality in the design. The buds have been coloured in a range of graduated neutrals and tones of natural colouring to reflect its former surroundings. An additional bold colourway has been incorporated for a more impactful and dramatic scheme creating strong contrast. This traditionally printed paper offers a design that could be used on one wall as a stand alone or all around a room. The flexibility of this paper offers great scope for use within a variety of different spaces.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Collection TRESCO - Buds - BLUE GUMAn all-over motif depicting small protea buds. Full of promise and optimism, the arrangement of the chalice-shaped flowers is reminiscent of Grecian wall paintings. Found in the gardens at Tresco, this protea bud is depicted exactly to its original scale, capturing an element of life-like quality in the design. The buds have been coloured in a range of graduated neutrals and tones of natural colouring to reflect its former surroundings. An additional bold colourway has been incorporated for a more impactful and dramatic scheme creating strong contrast. This traditionally printed paper offers a design that could be used on one wall as a stand alone or all around a room. The flexibility of this paper offers great scope for use within a variety of different spaces.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Collection TRESCO - Chart - PLUM BRANDYA large scale mural, that, on closer inspection, depicts the lines found on nautical charts. The motif was inspired by one of the antique charts found in the Tresco home of the Dorrien-Smith family. The chart has been carefully made into a wallpaper, ensuring the nautical fathoms remain true to the original and the chart itself in keeping with the Tresco seascape. This bold geometric pattern has been coloured in three tones with one dominant colour acting as a focal tone.

391,00 €* 404,00 €* (3.22% gespart)
Collection TRESCO - Chart - STABLE GREENA large scale mural, that, on closer inspection, depicts the lines found on nautical charts. The motif was inspired by one of the antique charts found in the Tresco home of the Dorrien-Smith family. The chart has been carefully made into a wallpaper, ensuring the nautical fathoms remain true to the original and the chart itself in keeping with the Tresco seascape. This bold geometric pattern has been coloured in three tones with one dominant colour acting as a focal tone.

391,00 €* 404,00 €* (3.22% gespart)
Chart - LEAD
Collection TRESCO - Chart - LEADA large scale mural, that, on closer inspection, depicts the lines found on nautical charts. The motif was inspired by one of the antique charts found in the Tresco home of the Dorrien-Smith family. The chart has been carefully made into a wallpaper, ensuring the nautical fathoms remain true to the original and the chart itself in keeping with the Tresco seascape. This bold geometric pattern has been coloured in three tones with one dominant colour acting as a focal tone.

391,00 €* 404,00 €* (3.22% gespart)
Chart - STONE
Collection TRESCO - Chart - STONEA large scale mural, that, on closer inspection, depicts the lines found on nautical charts. The motif was inspired by one of the antique charts found in the Tresco home of the Dorrien-Smith family. The chart has been carefully made into a wallpaper, ensuring the nautical fathoms remain true to the original and the chart itself in keeping with the Tresco seascape. This bold geometric pattern has been coloured in three tones with one dominant colour acting as a focal tone.

391,00 €* 404,00 €* (3.22% gespart)
Collection TRESCO - Chart - PERSE GREYA large scale mural, that, on closer inspection, depicts the lines found on nautical charts. The motif was inspired by one of the antique charts found in the Tresco home of the Dorrien-Smith family. The chart has been carefully made into a wallpaper, ensuring the nautical fathoms remain true to the original and the chart itself in keeping with the Tresco seascape. This bold geometric pattern has been coloured in three tones with one dominant colour acting as a focal tone.

391,00 €* 404,00 €* (3.22% gespart)
Lighthouse Palm - CHELSEA GREEN
Collection TRESCO - Lighthouse Palm - CHELSEA GREENA large palm tree motif, depicting the Butia Palm’s iconic shape - a unique, curvaceous trunk, providing something a little extra special and an element of fun. The size of the palm itself creates a feeling of grandeur and the linear spacing allows the design to breathe. This paper has been created in three bold colourways designed to make an impact and create a little drama. Bursting with personality and sophistication, this design can be used in traditional or contemporary spaces. The scale of the design allows the depth of colour to stand out creating an excellent balance between pattern and colour.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Lighthouse Palm - BLUE PEARL
Collection TRESCO - Lighthouse Palm - BLUE PEARLA large palm tree motif, depicting the Butia Palm’s iconic shape - a unique, curvaceous trunk, providing something a little extra special and an element of fun. The size of the palm itself creates a feeling of grandeur and the linear spacing allows the design to breathe. This paper has been created in three bold colourways designed to make an impact and create a little drama. Bursting with personality and sophistication, this design can be used in traditional or contemporary spaces. The scale of the design allows the depth of colour to stand out creating an excellent balance between pattern and colour.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Protea Trail - BLUE'S BLUE
Collection TRESCO - Protea Trail - BLUE’S BLUEA classic trail with the impression of a ‘loose stripe’, featuring proteas, birds and butterflies on a plain ground. Like Tresco island itself, these trails contain a complete ecosystem of inhabitants. This organic stripe design combines a range of Original and Architectural colours to provide strong contrasts and subtle highlights within the trail. Flexographically printed, this paper has a smooth, flat finish, providing a more contemporary look to a traditional style.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Protea Trail - SLATE
Collection TRESCO - Protea Trail - SLATEA classic trail with the impression of a ‘loose stripe’, featuring proteas, birds and butterflies on a plain ground. Like Tresco island itself, these trails contain a complete ecosystem of inhabitants. This organic stripe design combines a range of Original and Architectural colours to provide strong contrasts and subtle highlights within the trail. Flexographically printed, this paper has a smooth, flat finish, providing a more contemporary look to a traditional style.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Protea Trail - CLAY
Collection TRESCO - Protea Trail - CLAYA classic trail with the impression of a ‘loose stripe’, featuring proteas, birds and butterflies on a plain ground. Like Tresco island itself, these trails contain a complete ecosystem of inhabitants. This organic stripe design combines a range of Original and Architectural colours to provide strong contrasts and subtle highlights within the trail. Flexographically printed, this paper has a smooth, flat finish, providing a more contemporary look to a traditional style.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Protea Trail - SALT
Collection TRESCO - Protea Trail - SALTA classic trail with the impression of a ‘loose stripe’, featuring proteas, birds and butterflies on a plain ground. Like Tresco island itself, these trails contain a complete ecosystem of inhabitants. This organic stripe design combines a range of Original and Architectural colours to provide strong contrasts and subtle highlights within the trail. Flexographically printed, this paper has a smooth, flat finish, providing a more contemporary look to a traditional style.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Feather Flora - QUAIL
Collection BOTANY - Feather Flora - QUAILA delicate all-over floral design, showing abstract flowers floating gently in the breeze.

241,00 €* 249,00 €* (3.21% gespart)
Feather Flora - RHUBARB
Collection BOTANY - Feather Flora - RHUBARBA delicate all-over floral design, showing abstract flowers floating gently in the breeze.

241,00 €* 249,00 €* (3.21% gespart)
Feather Flora - SCALLION
Collection BOTANY - Feather Flora - SCALLIONA delicate all-over floral design, showing abstract flowers floating gently in the breeze.

241,00 €* 249,00 €* (3.21% gespart)
Collection BOTANY - Feather Flora - CONSTANTIA BLUEA delicate all-over floral design, showing abstract flowers floating gently in the breeze.

241,00 €* 249,00 €* (3.21% gespart)
Collection BOTANY - Folia - PLASTERA large-scale mural, this enchanting design depicts a dreamy, ethereal landscape of leafy silhouettes on a contemporary ombré ground.

298,00 €* 308,00 €* (3.25% gespart)
Collection BOTANY - Folia - PERSE GREYA large-scale mural, this enchanting design depicts a dreamy, ethereal landscape of leafy silhouettes on a contemporary ombré ground.

298,00 €* 308,00 €* (3.25% gespart)
Collection BOTANY - Folia - BLUE PEARLA large-scale mural, this enchanting design depicts a dreamy, ethereal landscape of leafy silhouettes on a contemporary ombré ground.

298,00 €* 308,00 €* (3.25% gespart)
Hardy Palm - SAND III
Collection BOTANY - Hardy Palm - SAND IIIFeaturing a pencil illustration of the sculptural Trachycarpus palm, the design depicts strong vertical stems and bold architectural leaves, and was inspired by stylised botanical paintings applied directly onto plaster walls.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Hardy Palm - CANVAS III
Collection BOTANY - Hardy Palm - CANVAS IIIFeaturing a pencil illustration of the sculptural Trachycarpus palm, the design depicts strong vertical stems and bold architectural leaves, and was inspired by stylised botanical paintings applied directly onto plaster walls.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Hardy Palm - PERSE GREY
Collection BOTANY - Hardy Palm - PERSE GREYFeaturing a pencil illustration of the sculptural Trachycarpus palm, the design depicts strong vertical stems and bold architectural leaves, and was inspired by stylised botanical paintings applied directly onto plaster walls.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Hardy Palm - ACQUA VIVA
Collection BOTANY - Hardy Palm - ACQUA VIVAFeaturing a pencil illustration of the sculptural Trachycarpus palm, the design depicts strong vertical stems and bold architectural leaves, and was inspired by stylised botanical paintings applied directly onto plaster walls.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Honesty - SALT III
Collection BOTANY - Honesty - SALT IIIAn elegant all-over design, created from a watercolour and crayon rendering of a leaf sprig. The graphic quality is inspired by Indian botanical motifs.

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Collection BOTANY - Honesty - CHELSEA GREEN IIAn elegant all-over design, created from a watercolour and crayon rendering of a leaf sprig. The graphic quality is inspired by Indian botanical motifs.

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Collection BOTANY - Honesty - CONSTANTIA BLUEAn elegant all-over design, created from a watercolour and crayon rendering of a leaf sprig. The graphic quality is inspired by Indian botanical motifs.

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Collection BOTANY - Honesty - PLASTER IIIAn elegant all-over design, created from a watercolour and crayon rendering of a leaf sprig. The graphic quality is inspired by Indian botanical motifs.

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Honesty - SLATE V
Collection BOTANY - Honesty SLATE VAn elegant all-over design, created from a watercolour and crayon rendering of a leaf sprig. The graphic quality is inspired by Indian botanical motifs.

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Honesty - GLASS III
Collection BOTANY - Honesty - GLASS IIIAn elegant all-over design, created from a watercolour and crayon rendering of a leaf sprig. The graphic quality is inspired by Indian botanical motifs.

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Jangala - WILLOW
Collection BOTANY - Jangala - WILLOWA contemporary reimagining of a sepia watercolour painting, depicting a panoramic Indian Jungle scene. Jangala, meaning ‘jungle’ in Hindi, is printed on a textural, non-woven base that resembles watercolour paper.

346,00 €* 357,00 €* (3.08% gespart)
Jangala - ACQUA VIVA
Collection BOTANY - Jangala - ACQUA VIVAA contemporary reimagining of a sepia watercolour painting, depicting a panoramic Indian Jungle scene. Jangala, meaning ‘jungle’ in Hindi, is printed on a textural, non-woven base that resembles watercolour paper.

346,00 €* 357,00 €* (3.08% gespart)
Marquetry Tile - STONE
Collection BOTANY - Marquetry Tile - STONEA handsome watercolour treatment of large-scale variegated foliage. This organic design features oversized leaves coloured in a monochromatic format, each side revealing a contrasting tone of graduated single colour. Tropicane has been coloured in six ways, featuring a combination of neutral and bolder tones.

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Marquetry Tile - KOHL
Collection BOTANY - Marquetry Tile - KOHLA handsome watercolour treatment of large-scale variegated foliage. This organic design features oversized leaves coloured in a monochromatic format, each side revealing a contrasting tone of graduated single colour. Tropicane has been coloured in six ways, featuring a combination of neutral and bolder tones.

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Marquetry Tile - GLASS IV
Collection BOTANY - Marquetry Tile - GLASS IVA handsome watercolour treatment of large-scale variegated foliage. This organic design features oversized leaves coloured in a monochromatic format, each side revealing a contrasting tone of graduated single colour. Tropicane has been coloured in six ways, featuring a combination of neutral and bolder tones.

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Marquetry Tile - BLUE BLOOD
Collection BOTANY - Marquetry Tile - BLUE BLOODA handsome watercolour treatment of large-scale variegated foliage. This organic design features oversized leaves coloured in a monochromatic format, each side revealing a contrasting tone of graduated single colour. Tropicane has been coloured in six ways, featuring a combination of neutral and bolder tones.

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Marquetry Tile - LEATHER
Collection BOTANY - Marquetry Tile - LEATHERA handsome watercolour treatment of large-scale variegated foliage. This organic design features oversized leaves coloured in a monochromatic format, each side revealing a contrasting tone of graduated single colour. Tropicane has been coloured in six ways, featuring a combination of neutral and bolder tones.

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Marquetry Tile - SLATE V
Collection BOTANY - Marquetry Tile - SLATE VA handsome watercolour treatment of large-scale variegated foliage. This organic design features oversized leaves coloured in a monochromatic format, each side revealing a contrasting tone of graduated single colour. Tropicane has been coloured in six ways, featuring a combination of neutral and bolder tones.

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Quatrefoil - PLIMSOLL
Collection BOTANY - Quatrefoil - PLIMSOLLIn contrast to the source material, inlaid encaustic floor tiles, this design is printed using traditional methods, with overlaid inks used to recreate the smooth matt texture of ceramic tiles.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Quatrefoil - PORCELAIN
Collection BOTANY - Quatrefoil - PORCELAINIn contrast to the source material, inlaid encaustic floor tiles, this design is printed using traditional methods, with overlaid inks used to recreate the smooth matt texture of ceramic tiles.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Collection BOTANY - Quatrefoil - TALLANSTOWN GREY In contrast to the source material, inlaid encaustic floor tiles, this design is printed using traditional methods, with overlaid inks used to recreate the smooth matt texture of ceramic tiles.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Quatrefoil - KOHL
Collection BOTANY - Quatrefoil - KOHLIn contrast to the source material, inlaid encaustic floor tiles, this design is printed using traditional methods, with overlaid inks used to recreate the smooth matt texture of ceramic tiles.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Quatrefoil - BARBICAN
Collection BOTANY - Quatrefoil - BARBICANIn contrast to the source material, inlaid encaustic floor tiles, this design is printed using traditional methods, with overlaid inks used to recreate the smooth matt texture of ceramic tiles.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Quatrefoil - SQUID INK
Collection BOTANY - Quatrefoil - SQUID INKIn contrast to the source material, inlaid encaustic floor tiles, this design is printed using traditional methods, with overlaid inks used to recreate the smooth matt texture of ceramic tiles.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Collection BOTANY - Quatrefoil - CHELSEA GREEN IIIn contrast to the source material, inlaid encaustic floor tiles, this design is printed using traditional methods, with overlaid inks used to recreate the smooth matt texture of ceramic tiles.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Quatrefoil - PLASTER
Collection BOTANY - Quatrefoil - PLASTERIn contrast to the source material, inlaid encaustic floor tiles, this design is printed using traditional methods, with overlaid inks used to recreate the smooth matt texture of ceramic tiles.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Seedpod - SAND
Collection BOTANY - Seedpod - SANDA small-scale, all-over motif, referencing the seedpods of the Indian lotus flower. The artwork has evolved from basic crayon rubbings of seedpods into a delicate surface print..

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Collection BOTANY - Seedpod - PONTEFRACTA small-scale, all-over motif, referencing the seedpods of the Indian lotus flower. The artwork has evolved from basic crayon rubbings of seedpods into a delicate surface print..

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Seedpod - TEMPLE
Collection BOTANY - Seedpod - TEMPLEA small-scale, all-over motif, referencing the seedpods of the Indian lotus flower. The artwork has evolved from basic crayon rubbings of seedpods into a delicate surface print..

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Seedpod - SALT
Collection BOTANY - Seedpod - SALTA small-scale, all-over motif, referencing the seedpods of the Indian lotus flower. The artwork has evolved from basic crayon rubbings of seedpods into a delicate surface print..

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Seedpod - WATTLE
Collection BOTANY - Seedpod - WATTLEA small-scale, all-over motif, referencing the seedpods of the Indian lotus flower. The artwork has evolved from basic crayon rubbings of seedpods into a delicate surface print..

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Seedpod - STEEL III
Collection BOTANY - Seedpod - STEEL IIIA small-scale, all-over motif, referencing the seedpods of the Indian lotus flower. The artwork has evolved from basic crayon rubbings of seedpods into a delicate surface print..

186,00 €* 192,00 €* (3.13% gespart)
Tropicane - SCALLION
Collection BOTANY - Tropicane - SCALLIONA handsome watercolour treatment of large-scale variegated foliage. This organic design features oversized leaves coloured in a monochromatic format.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Tropicane - PLASTER
Collection BOTANY - Tropicane - PLASTERA handsome watercolour treatment of large-scale variegated foliage. This organic design features oversized leaves coloured in a monochromatic format.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Tropicane - RHUBARB
Collection BOTANY - Tropicane - RHUBARBA handsome watercolour treatment of large-scale variegated foliage. This organic design features oversized leaves coloured in a monochromatic format.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Tropicane - PLIMSOLL
Collection BOTANY - Tropicane - PLIMSOLLA handsome watercolour treatment of large-scale variegated foliage. This organic design features oversized leaves coloured in a monochromatic format.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Collection BOTANY - Tropicane - CHELSEA GREEN IIA handsome watercolour treatment of large-scale variegated foliage. This organic design features oversized leaves coloured in a monochromatic format.

197,00 €* 204,00 €* (3.43% gespart)
Aranami 4601
Die wilden Wellen unseres Aranami Drucks sind von kiri-e beeinflusst, der japanischen Kunst des Papierschneidens. Das Design ist clean und präzise und hat gleichzeitig eine fließende Anmutung. Unser maritimes Muster wirkt dynamisch und beruhigend zugleich, es erinnert entfernt an das Auf und Ab der Gezeiten.

198,00 €* 205,00 €* (3.41% gespart)
Ringwold 1649
Ringwold zaubert ein englisches Seidenmuster aus dem frühen 18. Jahrhundert auf die Wand. Die verspielten Ranken und zweifarbigen Blätter wirken grazil und lebendig. Durch unsere besondere Drucktechnik gewinnt die Tapete zudem eine fast damastartige Oberflächenstruktur.

223,00 €* 230,00 €* (3.04% gespart)